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Posts Tagged ‘ELT Blogathon 2011’
A bit of Nostalgia: Counting Down at the Blogathon
merveoflaz countdown


It is believed that each number has a special meaning. Since it is the last three days of the Blogathon, I want to devote this post to the number “3”. Three is a sacred number in most of the religions because of being the number of divine. Three was also considered the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding. You can check the other details on

As Blogathon runners we have been racing in great harmony by writing and reading regularly. We’ve been supporting each other with great comments, sharing our ideas in an unprejudiced manner and spreading the wisdom. We’ve been  asking each other without any hesitations to learn from our experiences and with a great understanding we’ve been replying. I think number three is also representing the “beginnings” and “endings”. Think about how a marathon starts: “Ready, Steady, Go” and the countdown “3-2-1” in the end. Here are my three wishes:

  1. Hope this ending will be a new beginning for you all.**
  2. Hope you will never lose the desire to learn
  3. Hope you will keep blogging after the Blogathon



There is a common Turkish expression about working together. “There is a sound of two hands clapping, but what about one hand?” Number two reminded me this and here at the Blogathon we were never alone. The comments (though they were more than 2:) of the other bloggers, guests and the Blogathon team supported and motivated us. I was having a little doze before I started this post and guess what I was dreaming about. “Ying yang”. I was telling someone about the meaning of ying yang,  “the two faces that keep the universe in perfect balance”* and drawing the symbol to explain it. Having a dream about that on the day of writing about number 2! What a coincidence! Or just the impact of unconscious thoughts:)It is 11th February today. 1+1 makes 2 and February is the second month. The best day to write about number 2:) Helps me to find examples about it:)) I think I am so lucky. Only two days to the finish line. We, the Blogathoners are all tired, but excited and impatient to see the results. Whatever the results are, taking a part at the Blogathon the second time (ooooh number 2:) was much more fun (and challenging). I’m so glad to have met new colleagues and share lots. Some of you have been my constant readers and that made me so happy. I’d like to thank you for all the contributions. I think I will miss the spirit, but I’m sure most of you will show up with your own blogs in the blogging world soon and we will keep in touch. Ooooh number two Please make this true :) )*


The last day of the Blogathon. There are only hours to the end. As Blogathon runners, we are entering our last posts before the finish line.The last number in the countdown: “Number 1″. “The number of being the best”*. I assume that number one represents each Blogathoner at the race. Each of us is unique and each piece of post is special in its way. Number one also displays a truth: No matter who we are, no matter where we live and who we teach, we are all the same.  With this in our minds, we have shared our experiences, without any prejudices we read each other’s posts and contributed the comments. That makes us all champions. We are the best and we are the stars. Though it would be fantastic to win it, finishing will be the real spirit of the marathon.  Writing about number one reminds me a great album of Omar Faruk Tekbilek, a Turkish composer and musician. I’d like to share something from the album called “One Truth”.

The song is called “I love You. I’m dedicating the song to all of you, because I love you. Thank you for caring to share your knowledge and experiences and making this race so special. It was totally number one:)

This post was first published here



TweetChat – For the very first time

I felt so excited when I received Sharon Turner’s e-mail inviting me to #ECLPSCHAT on Twitter. Sharon from Sabancı University was congratulating me for the Silver Award I received on ELT Blogathon 2011 and she was asking if I was interested in taking part in the virtual conference platform of Sabancı University to tell about 28 day experience of blogging during the competition.

My answer was of course ‘Yes’. As a person who has never experienced TweetChat, I was in such a silly panic that I asked Sharon the best (!) questions ever such as ‘Since I have a new account nobody is following me. Do you think that’s a problem?’ and ‘Will it be enough for me to be on Twitter?’. Dearest Sharon answered each question I asked with great patience.  Thanks to her and thanks to God I was ready on time. Actually before time:)

It was so nice to see the announcements on Twitter to remind the chat. When the chat started, all my panic left its place to a sweet joy. I could not understand how quick the time flew by. Nesrin and Solmaz, two other blogathoners, were there as well. Once again we shared and derived great pleasure from that. Here are some notes from the chat:

-          Blogathon was sometimes stressful. Especially the voting process.

-          The team of the British Council leading us was professional and successful.

-          It was a lifetime experience and it changed our lives.

-          The hardest was the word limit (250 words) in each post.

-          The space we were provided was only for the texts without any visuals or videos.

-          The gold award motivated all of us at first but later we focused on blogging itself.

-          Comments and supports from the other blogathoners kept us alive during 28 days of the competition.

-          Many of us have personal blogs now and that seems to be the real award.

Thanks to Sabancı University School of Languages for giving us an opportunity to share our experience. Starting a virtual conference platform is such a great idea that I want to congratulate the Conference Committee. I’m looking forward to the 2nd International Conference on Language Education of Sabancı University in June.

Welcome to my place!

Dear Colleagues,

Dear Student Teachers,

Dear Students,

Dear Friends and Dear Others:)

Welcome to my blog! It’s a privilege for me to host you in here. I hope you will like my posts and share your thoughts and feelings.

I’m so excited about my blog. I just can’t wait to be in touch with my readers. Because of this, I’ve been wandering around with a grinning face as if someone is about to take my photo here and there. You know when someone is ready to take your photo you are expected to say ‘cheese’ and when you do that your face mostly changes into a grinning MSN Smiley. That’s the expression on my face nowadays.

My blogging story has begun with the inspiring competition the British Council opened in February. I should admit that ‘ELT Blogathon 2011’ has encouraged many of the competitors to open their personal blogs. Many thanks to the British Council for the opportunity it offered. The gold award (being sent to the 45th IATEFL Conference in Brighton) attracted most of us, sharing with other fellow bloggers charged our energy and precious guest bloggers supported us with their posts and comments. That was a unique experience for me. I enjoyed reading the posts, writing and sharing.

When I learnt about the Silver Award I received, I felt so happy. I will have a free entrance for Sabancı University ELT conference. I’m looking forward to taking place at the conference.

I believe the inspiration I gained is another award of the competition. I hope I can manage to keep you stay tuned. I am sure we will colour up our lives and shine our lights by sharing.

Remember! The more you share to more you grow knowledge.

This ending is a beginning

There are a lot of endings. Happy endings, sad endings, twist endings, ruined endings, surprised endings and so on.

Endings and beginnings are like matryoshka dolls. One closes the other and one opens the other. Then each beginning is an ending and each ending is a beginning.

Blogathon has been a marathon start for me. I learnt many things from all of you, shared my ideas, asked and gave advices. I felt the joy in my heart and the spirit of shared knowledge surrounded my mind.

Now, it is about to end but that will start another thing in most of our lives. As we stated in some posts, we will open our own blogs and go on sharing.  We will go on sharing knowledge like the generous nature.

I thank you all for the delightful journey we had together and wish you good luck.

Magic potion

“We have a mind. We have feelings. To separate the two is to deny all that we are. To integrate the two is to help us realise what we might be.” George Isaac Brown says.

“When learning a foreign language, feelings of uncertainty, and even fear often develop in the learner. It is clear that EFL learners need a relaxing atmosphere more than anything else, and icebreakers, warmers, games may create the situation for this to happen.”[1]

Our mission, as teachers, must be allowing the students to use their imagination and try to raise the awareness. There’s always space in students minds, but it’s locked. To unlock that,  we can make our own magic potion. Use any activities, methods or techniques your students need as ingredients of your magic potion. Bring life to your lessons and classroom. Do not hesitate to use real objects, photos, pictures, technology,  music, body language and your voice. All these will motivate them.  Leave some of the magic potion for yourself! Don’t forget you need some creativity and imagination, too.

Good Appetite!

[1] Moskowitz, G. (1972), Caring and Sharing in the Foreign Language Classroom,

Newbury House Publishers, Cambridge, Mass

Right brain / left brain dominance test for your students

This is a little quiz to have an idea about your students’ brain dominances. The test was given by Gulfem Aslan, a teacher trainer,  at a seminar in British Council in 1999. Thanks to her.

1. Are you better at recognizing and remembering names or faces?

Choose one: Names                         Faces

2 .Are you an organized individual or a spontaneous individual?

Choose one: Organized                  Spontaneous

3. Do you like realistic stories or stories that deal in fantasy?

Choose one: Realistic                     Fantasy

4. Do you problem-solve using logic or intuition?

Choose one: Logic                           Intuition

5. Do you like well-structured assignments or open-ended assignments?

Choose one: Well-structured     Open-ended

6. Do you remember things easily through language or through pictures?

Choose one: Language                  Pictures

7. Do you consider yourself to be very creative or not creative?

Choose one: Creative                    Not creative

8. Do you often produce humorous thoughts and ideas or serious thoughts and ideas?

Choose one: Humorous               Serious

9. Do you read for details and facts or for main ideas and overviews?

Choose one: Details/facts           Main idea/overview

10. Do you learn through systematic plans or through exploration?

Choose one: Systematic plans   Exploration

Scoring Procedure

Question 1. Faces=right-brain behaviour; Names=left-brain behaviour

Question 2. Spontaneous=right-brain behaviour; Organized=left-brain behaviour

Question 3. Fantasy=right-brain behaviour; Realistic=left-brain behaviour

Question 4. Intuition=right-brain behaviour; Logic=left-brain behaviour

Question 5. Open-ended=right-brain behaviour; Well-structured=left-brain behaviour

Question 6. Pictures=right-brain behaviour; Language=left-brain behaviour

Question 7. Creative=right-brain behaviour; Not creative=left brain behaviour

Question 8. Humorous=right-brain behaviour; Serious=left-brain behaviour

Question 9. Main idea and overview=right-brain behaviour; Details and facts=left-brain behaviour

Question 10. Exploration=right-brain behaviour; Systematic plans=left-brain behaviour.


© 2000 by Education World ®. Permission is granted to teachers to reproduce this skill page for classroom use.

Listen to your heart!

This is a very enjoyable writing activity that will make your lessons stunning and impressive.

1. Find a picture story. There are many nice pictures in writing books.

2. Find some sounds that can refer to each picture. Try to find more than one for each picture. Your aim in here is to make the students guess what happens in the story by listening to the sounds without looking at the pictures.

3. To find sounds, you can use the office online or the internet.

4. To express something about the story you also add some songs like a romantic music for a love story. This way, students will guess the theme of the story.

5. Play the sounds for each picture and ask the students to note down the sounds for each picture.

6. Give the students some time to think about for each picture and arrange their ideas. What they should do here is to write a story using those sounds.

7. Finally show the real pictures.

How long does it take?

40 or 80 minutes. Depends on the pre-work and the time you will provide for the writing process.

Who is it for?

It’s better to do it with at least Pre-Intermediate students. Beginners will probably have difficulties.


I really do not know if there is a similar version or not. I tried to make story writing fun and exciting by playing sounds and music.


This activity of mine was awarded by the British Council at a competition called “My Favourite Lesson Activity” in 2009.

Going abroad with your students
After the Hat Fair, Winchester

After the Hat Fair, Winchester

Last summer, I went to England with my students. As you can guess, it was a big responsibility. When I learnt I was accepted as the group leader of the students, I felt so happy. Thanks to my school!

It was a summer school programme providing some trips to many places.  Of course, my favourite part was the free time given during the trips. That was the shopping time for all of us.

The summer school was full of children from different countries so my students had the chance to practice their English and they did not get any help from me.

I also had hard and harsh time. One of the students got sick and I had to check him many times at night. I was like a 7×24 mum for them. After this trip, I nearly understood what a mother is like and how she feels.

No matter what the students ’age is, they can miss their families and act like the weirdest. You might see them crying and talking to themselves or to their suitcases. They might forget to take a shower or tidy up and it is you who must remind that! And comes the worst, it is you who should control them spending their money.  What I did was to collect all their money and give it to the case of the school and take some and give them every day.

Would you also want to go abroad with your students? If you haven’t done that, it’s time to try. If you think that would be hard, it’s time to change your idea. If your school does not provide a trip for students, it’s time to suggest the administrators.

Good Luck with that!

Fantasies about the blogathon T-shirt

I think a special relationship emerged between me and the Blogathon t-shirt. The number on it is so familiar as if I’ve always had it.

‘120’ is so close to me now like my telephone number (probably an extension one because it is too short!) or my door number or an ID number. One of my students thought that the number on the t-shirt was my weight but I still love my number. And luckily she was just kidding.

Sometimes I dream myself running in it with a great enthusiasm or I hear someone calling me ‘Hey! 120!’. And sometimes I want to sign papers as ‘120’ or scratch a tree in the park  ‘120’.

The weirdest fantasy I’ve had is a speaker at a match speaking very fast saying ‘Yes, now 120 has just sent a new post but what? A comment is coming! 120 replies the comment and starts reading the other posts to comment. Blah blah blah’

My t-shirt and I are so happy. We eat together. We sleep together. We wake up together. We teach together. We go everywhere together. My dear 120 t-shirt! I love you! I love sharing knowledge and blogging on Blogathon. And dear bloggers I love you, too.


Preparing exams, tests, worksheet and handouts take time and energy so you have to keep them well like a treasure. What I’ve been doing since I started teaching is keeping an archive. In the first two or three years of my career, archiving for me was putting everything in nice pinky files and putting them on nice shelves.

Next, I started to keep everything in floppy discs (why on earth I didn’t think of it at the beginning?) and the floppy discs in sweet boxes and the boxes in the drawers. Later, came the CDs. They were great because you could save hundreds of word files in each of them. Besides, very nice colourful boxes for these CDs were available. I remember myself painting a long long wooden cupboard (it’s in the attic now) for my precious CDs.

Then came the flash discs. They are very small and you can also wear them like a necklace. (There are even bracelet ones. I saw one last week:) ) You won’t believe but while everyone was preparing a food and first aid bag because of the earthquake tales, I was sleeping with my flash disc hung on my neck.

I wonder what will come next but I have to admit that I developed a new phobia and named it as ‘flashdiscmaniaphobia’. This phobia started after I dropped my laptop when my flash disc was plugged in and lost nearly thousands of my precious files. You know what, I sometimes miss my pinky files…

Why don’t you try webquests?

Do you want your students to pay incredible attention to the projects you assign? Then you should try to make a webquest.

A webquest is a kind of assignment (on the internet) asking the students to use the internet. It is as easy as blogging in here.

·         Make sure the topic is interesting for your students and appropriate for their age.

·         Decide on the steps the students will follow.

·         Give clear and brief instructions.

·         Check the websites you will give on the webquest. (Some can have really strange pop-ups or adverts)

·         Don’t forget to add an evaluation part.

·         Help student enjoy it and enjoy it yourself, too.

I created my first webquest when I was taking a Technology lesson in the Master’s programme. There are many webquest makers on the internet so that you can create your own.  Here are some links that you can get an idea about it:

If you don’t want to spend time creating one, you may use some ready ones. But I think you will be spending time to search for a good and appropriate one, too. So why not creating your own?

Do you celebrate ‘Foreign Language Week’? (Part 2)
My Students' projects about India

My Students' projects about India

Through the Foreign Language Week activities students understand the importance of learning a second language and become aware of the other cultures. They also find an opportunity to express their own culture and compare it with others. They understand that they should respect other cultures, languages, accents or dialects, too.  Moreover, they are inspired with the foreign language week posters which are displayed around.

·         If you want to celebrate this week, you can decide about the week according to the schedule of your own school. You don’t have to do it on a specific time.

·         Inspire all the language teachers to involve them and share the work.

·         Tell the head of department about the activities you are planning. Inform other administrators, too.

·         Create an atmosphere where the students can use foreign languages as much as they can.

·         Let your students enjoy the week.

·         Record (Photos, videos, note taking etc.)  all events during the week. Then use these records to inform other people (especially parents) on your school website, school newsletter or blog.

·         If you are planning to use the photos or videos of your students on a blog prepare a consent and release form for the parents and ask them to sign it.

·         Here are some links you can get an idea about this week:

Do you celebrate ‘Foreign Language Week’? (Part 1)
A corridor decorated for the Foreign Languages Week

A corridor decorated for the Foreign Languages Week

Corridors decorated for the Foreign Languages Week

Have you heard about ‘Foreign Language Week? In our school we celebrate it annually. During this week, we decorate the corridors and classrooms with many different projects of the students.

Each grade has a different project and the students begin to prepare at least 3 or 4 weeks before the Foreign Language Week. There are also fun activities we have during the week. For example: Treasure hunting, bilingual announcements, games, trivia questions, quiz shows, music and film activities, watching films in English, learning basic words (such as hello, thank you, my name is) in other languages and so on.

What I did with my Grade 8 students this year was a kind of cultural activity. Each classroom chose a country and searched what they wanted to learn about it. They searched about the foods, music, dances, history, currency, formal and spoken languages, tourist attractions, sports or traditional clothes of that country.

Next step was deciding about the type of the project. I advised them to bring 3D projects, videos or role play projects instead of a file full of pages containing copy and paste information. Some students made paper puppets for the traditional clothes of the related country, some of them brought recipes, others made boxes full of pictures and other information inside. Then they displayed everything they have prepared and brought in front of their classrooms.

We put flags and spoken and formal languages of the countries (made of A4 paper) on strings and hung them up on the ceiling.

Answer my questionnaire please! Fun is guaranteed! (Part 2)

If you have 5 or more ‘YES’ answers: You are a teacher.

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 5: You are an extra – ordinarily creative (and maybe a little crazy like me) teacher.

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 6: You are a teacher of the new generation and you try to use technology on all occasions.

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 7: You are probably a language teacher.

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 8: Good idea! Turn it down or have a rest! You have probably used group work or a class game in your class today.

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 9: You probably spend a lot of time preparing for work on the computer. Don’t get stuck to it and give breaks. If you still have complaints, have some black tea (preferably tea bags) and put the warm tea bags on your eyes. (Don’t fall asleep with them on your eyes, they stain the sheets really badly:)

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 10: Don’t worry. You just need to have a rest. Why don’t you try to spend your time with your loved ones? Resting is not only sleeping.

If your answer is ‘YES’ for question 11: You are about to become a burned out teacher. Find things to cheer up and come back to the ‘teaching’ life. Why don’t you share your feelings at a blog? You can get help from colleagues or experts.

Answer my questionnaire please! Fun is guaranteed! (Part 1)

Note down your answers please!

1.       Are you often warned by other people because you speak loudly, especially when you receive a call in the middle of a restaurant or when you are telling about an event ambitiously?

2.       Do you usually find yourself thinking about what to do at work for tomorrow?

3.       Do you sometimes warn the kids (even the ones you don’t know) in the street or in the park not to run or to be careful?

4.       Do you sometimes try hard not to go to the toilet and cause a 40 minute delay on purpose?

5.       Are you usually very excited when you come across every little object (such as a toy you have seen at the toy shop, a picture on a magazine or the box of biscuits) because you want to use them at work?

6.       Do cartoons, films or some websites inspire you about your plans at work?

7.       Do you use a lot of mimes, gestures or body language?

8.       Do you sometimes feel that you won’t stand on the noise and turn down the volume of the TV or the radio?

9.       Do you usually have headaches and ache in the eye?

10.   Do you sometimes lose your patience for your own children or family members at home (after a long work day)?

11.   Have you started to dislike people, reading, talking and listening for the last couple of months?

Now count your ‘YES’ answers and go to Part 2.

The flying girl

Have you seen the video of the flying girl? There are many comments about it on the internet and it is already on the news on TV. They say that it was probably filmed in Russia.

Some say that it can be the exercise of a little acrobat using some special ropes, others state that it is just a fake video. The most interesting comment was the one saying that people who meditate to open their meridian channels can do levitate or fly.

A reader’s comment to this comment saying that we will be seeing more paranormal events like this in a couple of years time  was the most bizarre of all.

I thought about the students we will be teaching then. As 21st century teachers, we are updating ourselves by attending seminars, webinars, online courses, blogging and tweeting. What about the needs of flying students we are likely to teach?

The teachers of the golden age! Get ready for the students of the future! Especially the flying ones:))

Working with parents (Part 2)

Use technology to share: As 21st century teachers, there is no need to waste paper, time and energy. You can use the website of your school to share information if possible. Or you can make group folders for your classrooms in an e-mail account of yours to inform the parents at the same time only with a click. Another thing you can try is phone chain charts. This way it will be easy to reach all parents by calling only one parent.

Start with the positive: While informing the parents about their children, it is good to start with the positive and choose the appropriate words to tell about the problems.

Never trust: Trusting is good but not the parents. Do not forget they are like multi-use bridges between you and the student, student and the administration, administration and you and so on. Do not talk about other students or parents with any of the parents even if you will say something positive. You will never know who will talk about you behind your back.

Weary children: Some parents like the role of the teacher. They can give their children extra work, force them with private lessons and overload them with bombarded activities. Explain the parents that teaching is your job. If they still insist on doing extra things about language, they can organize family events such playing Scrabble in English or watching a film in English.

What else can we do? Do you have any more suggestions?

Working with parents (Part 1)

Friends? or Enemies? I think the answer can change according to the role you will choose. Will you be the one who is completing the pieces of the puzzle or vice versa? Let’s be logical! Who would want an enemy (especially at work)? Parents are like the backside of the medal. For me, the other side is the students’. The chain necklace of the medal is the administration and the colleagues of you. And finally you are the one who is wearing the chain necklace with the medal. So what can we do to wear the medal?

Cooperation: The first step of working with parents seems to be cooperation. The best thing for this is to speak the same language and be on the same side with them. Remember that they are not your enemies.

Elicit help: Do not hesitate to elicit help and information from the parents. Make them feel you are next to them. You can only help their children with their help. They are the ones who have got the best information about your students.

Share: Why don’t you share the programme with them? You don’t have to send your daily plan but informing them about the vocabularies and structures you teach would be great. Adding the weekly homework or the dates of the important events such as projects or exams can also be very helpful. This will include the parents in the learning process.

Catch the sparkle!
A picture of me painted by a student

A picture of me painted by a student

Some students and sometimes some classes are somehow difficult. You may not catch the sparkle at first or even later. You may find yourselves dealing with unkind behaviours and thoughtless words of the students in the middle of a present perfect exercise, then this may become the hardest time ever. The age of the students does not change the situation. They want to have fun and become the winner if they are arguing with you. What you should do first is not to lose your temper and stay calm. Accepting can turn everything into positive and that can help you to gain the student forever. Why?

Why not? Isn’t being a teacher like acting? You have to change your role many times. When it comes to a difficult student who always rolls up opposition, you should act like meditating and accept the student for who he / she is. Focus on the good points of that person and make him / her feel this. Believe in the magic of love and love your students. If they can really feel it, they can catch the sparkle, too…

Hey teacher! Do you feel overloaded and exhausted? Here is a couple of tips to refresh yourselves: (Part 2)

5.       Professional development: Search for the seminars, workshops and conferences which will take place on holiday and try to attend them.

6.       Be with your family: Spend your time with your family. You have been so busy for the last couple of months. Why don’t you find some activities (such as cooking, doing puzzles or playing monopoly or taboo)? So all members of the family can join and enjoy.

7.       Reset your feelings: Does it sound nonsense? It’s definitely not! What you have to do is wiping out all the negative feelings especially the ones about the school, students, parents and maybe administrators:)

8.       Contact with friends: Call or e-mail your friends you couldn’t see or contact for the last couple of months. Meet them if possible. Chatting and gossiping can sometimes be as effective as a therapy.

9.       Don’t wake up late: It will be a short holiday, so don’t waste your time oversleeping. You will not die if you wake up early as if it is a school day. Seeing and experiencing the things you missed can be fun. What about a walk listening to the sound of the waves by the seaside on a week day morning?

10.   Feel ready: Be strong and motivated for the next term. Remember life is more beautiful when you enjoy it and it is not difficult to find things make you happy. Happiness is a journey not a destination.


Hey teacher! Do you feel overloaded and exhausted? Here is a couple of tips to refresh yourselves: (Part 1)

I’m teaching English for 13 years and I feel lucky feeling the spirit still in me. The biggest reason may be the passion I found in my job but there are more behind. Like emptying the trash in my mind and pulling positive energy into myself.

As teachers we suggest our students a long list of things to do on holiday and want them to be ready mentally and psychologically for the next term. What about you?  You have worked a lot and felt overloaded and exhausted. Don’t you think it’s time to do something for yourselves? Let’s see what we can do to refresh ourselves:

1.       Pre – spring cleaning: Organise your paper files and also digital files. Throw away all the papers and files that you don’t need any more (Prefer a recycle bin:) and archieve the ones that will be necessary for you later.

2.       Plan: Make a list of the things you enjoy doing. Don’t care even if they look silly such as a slimming programme or a face mask waiting for you. Make a plan about it and follow it.

3.       Read things you enjoy: Read your favourite magazines, the books which make you happy (no matter they are silly love stories or absurd fantasy novels) and of course blogs.

4.       Use your time: Try to use the time effectively. It doesn’t matter if your time is limited. The important thing is good quality. Sometimes half an hour can be more valuable than spending five hours with your loved ones.