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Posts Tagged ‘stress management’
Guest Post #1 Positive Statements Ease Test Taking Anxiety & Increases Self-Belief by Lori Lite
lori lite

I am so honoured and delighted to be hosting Lori Lite from the USA. Being very much inspired with her brilliant ideas and the positive energy she spreads, I invited her to my blog. Many thanks to Lori, Founder of Stress Free Kids,  for accepting to be my first guest.

Lori Lite

Anxiety can affect a child’s ability to think clearly and retain information. It damages memory and executive functioning. Today’s testing regiment is constant, and the ongoing stress of studying for tests causes many of our children to toss and turn with worry. Tel Aviv University found that memory and problem solving are severely impaired by loss of sleep. A one hour lost of sleep could effect the cognitive ability of a child by 2 years. It’s normal for kids and teens to feel a little nervous before a big test, but anxiety left unchecked can affect grades. Teachers and parents can help students of all ages by introducing relaxation techniques into their lives. Deep breathing, visualizing, and affirmations or positive statements will increase wellness and increase grades.

Stress Warning Signs:

  • Your child doesn’t want to go to school, especially on test day
  • Your child cries or has melt-downs during the days leading up to a test
  • Your child changes eating and sleeping patterns in the days before a test
  • Your child puts herself down or calls himself “stupid”
  • Your child complains of upset stomach or a tension headache before a test
  • Your child performs well on practice tests but not on the real test

Affirmations or Positive Statements for Life and Test Taking:

When angry or stressed, I take deep slow breaths.

I am calm, focused, and smart.

I am relaxed and alert.

I calmly trust my knowledge.

I know the answer to this question and I will look at it again in a few minutes.

I am smart and relaxed.

I am doing the best I can do, and my best is terrific.

I remember to breathe deeply during my tests.

Breathing deeply brings more oxygen to my brain.

I have enough time to answer the questions.

I have studied and I am prepared.

Being calm helps me to remember more.

I trust myself to calmly do my best.

Introduce your entire family to simple stress management techniques  for optimum living. The following CDs each include the powerful techniques of diaphragmatic breathing, visualizing, affirmations, and progressive muscle relaxation. Make sure your child is getting proper sleep and eating a healthy breakfast to optimize your child or teens cognitive functioning and energy levels for test day. Relaxation CDs make it easier to fall asleep and enjoy a deeper restful night.

Indigo Dreams shorter stories with relaxation techniques for younger child.

Indigo Ocean Dreams longer stories with relaxation techniques for older children.

Indigo Teen Dreams guided instructions with relaxation techniques for teens.

Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation guided instructions with relaxation techniques for adults.

Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness stories for all children includes bubble blowing technique to release anger and positive statements to encourage healthy eating.

Stress Free Kids founder Lori Lite has created a line of books and CDs designed to help children, teens, and adults decrease stress, anxiety, and anger. Ms. Lite’s books, CDs, and lesson plans are considered a resource for parents, psychologists, therapists, child life specialists, teachers, and yoga instructors. Lori is a certified children’s meditation facilitator and Sears’ Manage My Life parenting expert. For more information visit  Stress Free Kids and for daily advice follow Lori on Twitter and Facebook.

Here is a short video on breathing to decrease stress: