Things often make me feel quite nostalgic nowadays. Today I remembered the time I was into learning English. It was in 1980’s (It’s like ages ago. Wow I’m getting older!) and unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to learn English at a private school in Turkey or abroad. We had English lessons at our school [...]
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Saturday, 26 March 2011 23:11
While we were praying for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the nuclear emergency which threatens all of us popped up. As if all these were not enough, the countries started to attack each other. I sometimes wonder where this ‘hatred’ comes from. Why do people still fight? Why on earth are [...]
Friday, 18 March 2011 20:16
I felt so excited when I received Sharon Turner’s e-mail inviting me to #ECLPSCHAT on Twitter. Sharon from Sabancı University was congratulating me for the Silver Award I received on ELT Blogathon 2011 and she was asking if I was interested in taking part in the virtual conference platform of Sabancı University to tell about [...]
Sunday, 13 March 2011 10:06
Dear Colleagues, Dear Student Teachers, Dear Students, Dear Friends and Dear Others:) Welcome to my blog! It’s a privilege for me to host you in here. I hope you will like my posts and share your thoughts and feelings. I’m so excited about my blog. I just can’t wait to be in touch with my [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:19
There are a lot of endings. Happy endings, sad endings, twist endings, ruined endings, surprised endings and so on. Endings and beginnings are like matryoshka dolls. One closes the other and one opens the other. Then each beginning is an ending and each ending is a beginning. Blogathon has been a marathon start for me. [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:19
“We have a mind. We have feelings. To separate the two is to deny all that we are. To integrate the two is to help us realise what we might be.” George Isaac Brown says. “When learning a foreign language, feelings of uncertainty, and even fear often develop in the learner. It is clear that [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:19
This is a little quiz to have an idea about your students’ brain dominances. The test was given by Gulfem Aslan, a teacher trainer, at a seminar in British Council in 1999. Thanks to her. 1. Are you better at recognizing and remembering names or faces? Choose one: Names Faces 2 .Are you an organized individual [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:18
I am sure you also have students who do not do their homework. This must be one of the most common problems of us as the teachers. And I am one of those teachers. My Problem The students who don’t do their homework. What I always do Keep a record of the students (in a [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:18
Last summer, I went to England with my students. As you can guess, it was a big responsibility. When I learnt I was accepted as the group leader of the students, I felt so happy. Thanks to my school! It was a summer school programme providing some trips to many places. Of course, my favourite [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:18
I think a special relationship emerged between me and the Blogathon t-shirt. The number on it is so familiar as if I’ve always had it. ‘120’ is so close to me now like my telephone number (probably an extension one because it is too short!) or my door number or an ID number. One of [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:17
Students like to be awarded. Who doesn’t? Some of them really try hard for a little sticker, others are so relaxed about it. There are also some who does not care at all. I like awarding students and I think awarding them for their efforts in English makes me awarded, too. I usually prefer awards [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:17
Preparing exams, tests, worksheet and handouts take time and energy so you have to keep them well like a treasure. What I’ve been doing since I started teaching is keeping an archive. In the first two or three years of my career, archiving for me was putting everything in nice pinky files and putting them [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:17
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Do you want your students to pay incredible attention to the projects you assign? Then you should try to make a webquest. A webquest is a kind of assignment (on the internet) asking the students to use the internet. It is as easy as blogging in here. · Make sure the topic is interesting for your [...]
Monday, 07 March 2011 09:16
Through the Foreign Language Week activities students understand the importance of learning a second language and become aware of the other cultures. They also find an opportunity to express their own culture and compare it with others. They understand that they should respect other cultures, languages, accents or dialects, too. Moreover, they are inspired with [...]
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